Brief gain or Eternal pain

The world and all it offers can be alluring. Parties, premarital sex, gambling, mansions, yachts and anything else associated with lavish lifestyles is the goal of many. They all offer temporary gain and they have the potential to lead you down a road of eternal pain.

I see why Jesus said “…the gate to narrow life is small and few find it.” Matthew 7:13. This world is the devil’s domain and he is doing everything he can to gain followers. I will be very transparent and admit that I have done many things listed above (minus the mansions and yachts). I know firsthand how tantalizing sin can be. I’ve entertained darkness way longer than I should have which is why I know that it’s a tangled web that must be broken by the blood of Christ. He can break every chain and set the captives free.

The world offers the excitement of engaging in activities that the world deems acceptable but God does not. Even though societal standards changed, God’s Word does not. Breaking our fellowship with Christ over temporary thrills are not worth it. The closer I get to God, the greater I want to please Him. My desires for doing unholy things lessened over time and I am very content living the life I live, regardless of how “boring” it may appear.

Jesus died on the cross for ALL our sins (past, present and future). His grace does not mean that it is acceptable to sin. (Romans 6:15) The closer we get to Him (by reading His Word, prayer, our experiences with Him) the more we want to obey Him. Jesus said “if we love Him we will keep His commands.” (John 14:15) When we choose obedience to Him over slavery to sin then we will reap eternal gain (in Heaven with Christ).

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